Best language program for advanced speakers
Best language program for advanced speakers

best language program for advanced speakers

I couldn't learn to speak fluent English for 5 years - read about what I was doing to learn to speak fluently HERE - are YOU in the same situation? Throughout my entire life I’ve always wanted to speak in English fluently, but because of the way English is taught in schools, I always struggled with my spoken English.

  • Attending cultural events organized by the Academy for free.I’m Robby, and I’m a non-native English speaker.

  • Free Internet service inside the academy and accommodations.
  • A monthly 2-day trips & cultural tour outside the city of Amman.
  • Monthly 2 half day cultural trips & tours inside the city of Amman.
  • Academy & accommodation is fully serviced near shopping centers.
  • Academic program (Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers) as shown in the program.
  • Meet & assist at Arrival and return to the airport.
  • The Golden offer for KEFAK Arabic Courses 2021 For students in large groups: - In fact, the passion of foreign students and their desire to learn Arabic have made us follow a new policy in our presentations to university students, institutes, and large groups. The linguistic partner is an integral part of the student's success in acquiring the Arabic language, spirit, cultures, and history to build the foundations of understanding between cultures and bring the views closer to peace between East and West. We will guarantee this by arranging tourist trips to the most attractive areas for tourists and foreigners throughout the country. We hope that our students will take advantage of every minute of their existence in this beautiful and safe country to discover and identify the geography and culture of the site. However, many of them have been subjected to intensive courses in teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers to raise their skills and thus their performance. They are specialized professors in the field of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. Ommiya is a recognized as a necessary facet of any student’s progression towards that coveted, native-like language proficiency. This course is crafted to help students master local, everyday language usage, so that they feel better integrated into their regional surroundings, living and working among native Arab speakers in any setting. In it students need to paraphrase, vocalize (Tashkeel), choose the correct grammatical forms, and explain the grammatical rules. Our students explore grammatical forms guided by the teachers, to address any gaps in knowledge, and ensure that communication always occurs in Arabic.Īlso, students are being prepared to take the external examination (International A Level) which has a big portion of grammar. With the advanced level, teaching grammar takes a bigger part of our instruction. These skills are deepened through moving from one level to another.

    best language program for advanced speakers

    Our students are learning grammar implicitly through communication in Arabic, and explicitly through the discovery of grammatical rules through use in meaningful examples. With the intermediate level, basic grammatical rules are taught and reinforced. Grammar is integrated and blended within the content and instruction so students are learning it spontaneously. Teachers aim to teach students to use correct sentence structures in different contexts in Arabic.

    best language program for advanced speakers

    They also explain the meaning expressed through these forms. With beginners, teachers teach grammar indirectly by asking students to use specific forms and patterns. We believe that by searching for the correct form to speak, listen, read, or write effectively, a student has a spontaneous need for a grammatical structure and is highly motivated to use the grammar in the right context immediately. We avoid traditional approaches to grammar instruction that emphasize direct grammar instruction which encourages memorized, rehearsed use of language.


    Students learn how to use the form rather than memorized conjugations that may not be applicable across contexts.Īt KEFAK, we do teach grammar as concepts in meaningful contexts in Arabic. Therefore, instead of focusing on grammar rules and diagramming sentences, our teachers guide students towards an understanding of how grammar functions. Research shows that explicit teaching of grammar has little effect on people’s language acquisition, comprehension, or writing abilities. Teaching grammar as a building block for communication

    Best language program for advanced speakers